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Polls Open 6:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. for Municipal Election Nov. 7

Nov 6, 2023, 17:13 PM by Jon Soles
The Municipal Election in Cumberland County is Tuesday, Nov. 7. Polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Voters standing in line at 7:30 p.m. will be able to cast a ballot.

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – The Municipal Election in Cumberland County is Tuesday, Nov. 7. Polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Voters standing in line at 7:30 p.m. will be able to cast a ballot. Voters must go to their assigned Election Day polling place to vote. Find your polling place and a sample ballot by using the N.C. Board of Elections voter search tool at https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/.

More information about times and locations is available on the Cumberland County Board of Elections website at cumberlandcountync.gov/elections.

Voters will be required to show photo identification in order to vote. A list of acceptable forms of photo ID is available at https://www.ncsbe.gov/voting/voter-id. If a voter does not show an acceptable ID, the voter may proceed to vote in one of two ways:

  • Complete an ID Exception Form and then vote with a provisional ballot.
  • Vote with a provisional ballot and then return the ballot to their County Board of Elections Office with their photo ID by the day before the County canvass. The canvass is Nov. 17, 2023, at noon.

The State Board of Elections offers the following tips for Municipal Election voters:

  • As required by state law, every N.C. voter will cast a hand-marked paper ballot or use a touch-screen ballot-marking device that produces a paper ballot for the voter to verify before casting. All voters will insert their ballot into a tabulator that has been tested before the election. To find which voting equipment is used in your county, read Voting Equipment.

North Carolina residents may not register to vote on Election Day, unless they became eligible after the regular voter registration deadline due to becoming a U.S. citizen or having their rights restored following a felony conviction.

  • Voters who need assistance at the polls must request that assistance. Curbside voting is available for voters who are unable to enter the voting place without assistance due to age or disability. Once inside the polling place, voters who experience difficulties should request help from an election worker. For more information, see Help for Voters with Disabilities.


  • If you present to vote and your name is not on the voter list, you may request a provisional ballot. About a week after the election, voters who cast a provisional ballot can check the status of their ballot with the Provisional Search tool. For more information, read Provisional Voting.


  • State and federal law forbids intimidation or interference with voters, including hindering access to the voting place, whether inside or outside the buffer zone. The law also makes it a crime to interfere with election officials carrying out their duties. Penalties for violations include prison time, a fine, or both. The State Board takes these incidents very seriously. When they occur, the State Board will work with our law enforcement partners on appropriate responses. Voters who are harassed or intimidated should notify an election official immediately.


  • Election results will be posted throughout election night at the State Board’s Election Results Dashboard. Results may be filtered by County.

The Cumberland County Board of Elections is located in the E. Newton Smith center at 227 Fountainhead Lane in Fayetteville. For more information, call 910-678-7733 or visit cumberlandcountync.gov/elections.