The Board of Adjustment is a "quasi-judicial" administrative body that conducts public hearings and/or reviews as listed under “duties” below. Appeals of this board’s decisions are filed directly to Superior Court.
Statutory Authorization: NCGS 153A-345County Code: Zoning Ordinance Article
Member Specifications:
10 Members
- 5 regular
- 5 alternate (Alternate members fill in for regular members as necessary and are often appointed to fill vacancies of the regular membership.)
Term: 3 Year
Compensation: None
- Conduct administrative reviews and decide appeals where it is alleged by the appellant that there is an error in any order, requirement, permit, decision, determination , refusal made by the Planning and Inspections Director or other administrative officials in the carrying out or enforcement of any provisions of the zoning ordinance;
- Hear, deny or approve applications for variances and special use permits from the terms of the zoning ordinance;
- Interpret the official zoning maps;
- Rule on matters concerning nonconforming uses;
- Hear and approve or deny applications for High Density Development and variances from the provisions of the County Water Supply Watershed Management and Protection Ordinance;
- Hear and rule on appeals and variance requests from the County’s Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance.
Third Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. The average length of a meeting varies. Each member spends approximately three hours per month in service to this board.
Historic Cumberland County Courthouse, Hearing Room #3
130 Gillespie Street
- Regular Members:
- Marva Lucas-Moore
- Linda Amos
- Kenneth Turner
- Vickie Mullins
- Alternate Members:
- Gary Silverman
- Brenee Orozco
- Jovan Bowser
- Veronica Mitchell-Rozier
- Vacant